BWT ‘awe inspiring' says Green Flag assessor

Bearsted Woodland Trust (BWT)  has again been awarded a top category Green Flag Award - with the visiting assessor describing the Trust's activities as ‘awe inspiring’.

The Green Flag Community Award, based on national standards, provides a benchmark of excellence for community-led park and other green space projects nationwide and beyond. 

This is the twelth year in a row that BWT has received an award in the highest category.

All the work to develop BWT’s green space ecology initiatives has been undertaken by the team of volunteers backed by Management Committee expertise and trustee involvement.

BWT won praise for the site's biodiversity and conservation work and was also described as ‘very welcoming’ with equal access for all. 

‘This is a huge community endeavour with 26 acres of woodland and meadow, with the intention to grow via bequests,’ read the Green Flag report.

‘The level of community endeavour of a site of this size is innovative in itself. The  involvement of so many professionals in their fields - from ecologists to tree experts and beekeepers - shows the Trust has a fantastic network. It is incredible that a quarter of all Bearsted households are members.

‘For a community to run a site of this size to the level of quality seen on the visit is simply awe-inspiring.’